I am American


Gruppenausstellung. Malerei

The exhibition will feature works by Loren Erdrich, Zoe McGuire, Madeline Peckenpaugh, Emily Marie Miller, Issy Wood, Carlo D'Anselmi, Natalie Terenzini, Anne Vieux, Erin Milez, Andrea Luper, Bryan Rogers, Sara Suppan, Johanna Robinson, Armani Howard, Leonard Baby, and Tim Buckley.
More topography than survey, I am American charts a terrain of painting from a view both removed and detailed. Probing beyond a deceptively flat surface, any sense of totality (whether represented or explored) remains impossible, but the forces of scale and scope forge a camaraderie and common threads that eclipse categorization.

Themes and forms gently crest and fall, and at other times collide: The personal turned archetypal, first rendered, then performed; a reality more darkly surreal than any imagination; pastoral memories, void of the brains and bodies that recall them, abstracted into metaphor. Statuesque figures in lush surroundings contend with molten faces, phantom reflections emerging from beneath the water.
The common logic upon which everything stands isn’t the medium or point of origin; it’s the uncharted that is shared.


Eintritt frei

  • Banner: Radio 3FACH
  • Banner: Sprungfeder, Open Call, 01.06.–13.09.2024
  • 041 – Das Kulturmagazin 07+08/2024


Kutlesa Gallery

Bernerhöhe N 7

6410 Goldau